Friday, December 10, 2010

still rindu kat korang...


apsal ngan aku ni hah..???aku pown heran..eeiii,,aku ghase kan rinduuuuu sesangat kat dak2 kem english tu....kengkadang aku ghase cam nak undur smule mase dan balik smule kat kem tuh.wuwuwu..=( aku nak kem tu smula.. waaaaaaaaa..aku rindu korang.
2-3 ari nih aku asyik dengar aje lagu seasons in the sun and aku pown da jatuh chenta kat westlife nih.yer laa,,tu lagu terakhir kitorang nyanyi sbelom balik klmarin.kelmarin,,??yer ah,baru klmarin kita abes kem,,baru klmarin kita brpisah..apsal aku ghase cam dah berminggu-minggu.oitt,,bukan aku sorang taw yang ghase cam ni..sume dak2 kem ghase cam nih,ko taw tak??sumenye rindu and pakat-pakat dengar lagu season in the sun.aku pown emo laks bile dengar lagu nih...


goodbye to you my trusted friend,,
we've known each other since we were 9 or 10,,
together we've climbed hills and trees,,
learned of love and A-B-c's,,
skinned our hearts and skinned our knees...

goodbye my love,,it's hard to die,,
when all the birds are singing in the sky,,
now that the spring is in the air,,
pretty girls are anywhere,,
think of me and i'll be there...

* we had joy,,
we had fun,,
we had seasons in the sun,,
but the hills that we climbed,,
were just seasons out of time...

goodbye papa please pray for me,,
i was the black sheep of the family,,
you tried to teach me right from wrong,,
too much wine and to much song,,
wonder how i got along,,

goodbye papa it's hard to die,,
when all the birds are singing in the sky,,
now that the spring is in the air,,
little children everywhere,,
when you see them,i'll be there...

# we had joy,,
we had fun,,
we had seasons in the sun,,
but the wine and the song,,
like the seasons have all gone...

goodbye michelle my little friend,,
you gave me love and helped me find the sun,,
and everytime that i was down,,
you would always come around,,
and get my feet back on the ground...

goodbye michelle it's hard to die,,
when all the birds are singing in the sky,,
now that the spring is in the air,,
with the flowers everywhere,,
i wish that we could both be there...

repeat *
repeat #

all our lives we had fun,,
we had seasons in the sun,,
but the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time...

aku sdeyh sesangat bile dengar lagu nih..aku pown tak taw naper...kem english ni emang bez lah..!!korang jangan lupe aku taw..!
p/s : eyh,,lenkali kalo ade kem lagi,,kite sume join eyh..???baru bez...

daa.. =)